Affiliated Researchers

Erick Velazquez Hernandez
Erick is a PhD Candidate at department of Environmental Policy Analysis in the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam under the supervision of Prof. Dave Huitema and Prof. Jampel Dell’Angelo. His research focuses on transboundary water governance. It specifically explores the city as an agent, analysing the mechanism for initiating collaboration, which eventually shapes governance in transboundary river basins. Erick’s professional experience includes consultancies with international organisations such as FAO, working on mapping of the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions; Program Assistant at the United Nations Water Decade Programme on Capacity Development (UNW-DPC); and lecture in several academic institutions.

Camilla Govoni
Camilla Govoni (born in 1994) obtained a MSc degree in Environmental and Land Planning Engineering in 2020 at Politecnico di Milano. In the same year she started a PhD program in Water Engineering at the DICA Department of Politecnico di Milano, with a research based on the environmental implications of livestock production systems, focusing on the case study of Brazil. She also works as external collaborator with the department of Health, Animal Science and Food Safety of Università degli Studi di Milano Statale. She is currently working on the study of natural resources associated to animal feeding and the feed-food debate. Other research interests include topics such as deforestation, land use – land cover (LULC) change, water footprint and water scarcity, crop analysis.

Nikolas Galli
Nikolas Galli (born in 1994) received his MSc degree in Environmental and Land Planning Engineering in 2019 at Politecnico di Milano (Italy). He then spent six months in Paraguay, where he worked on mapping water resources and planning rural-urban development in the Chaco area. He is now a PhD student and research fellow at Politecnico di Milano. His main research interest are agro-hydrological modeling of water-energy-food nexus-based problems and solutions, conflictual aspects of water resources availability and management, and the public health implications of unsustainable food system practices, including deforestation, forest fragmentation, the livestock revolution and agricultural intensification.

Kathrin Trommler
Kathrin Trommler studied Cultural Studies and Social Studies at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) and Charles University Prague. Kathrin works at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU), responsible for coordinating EU-funded research projects in the Conservation Biogeography Lab and at IRI THESys. Kathrin is excited about science communication and creating "enabling conditions" for good research. Currently, she is involved as Deputy Director in the Network Management of the European Training Network COUPLED (Horizon 2020, Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Actions). She is also the Equal Opportunity Officer for the Geography Department at HU and committed to putting gender equality and diversity into action.

Dr. Emanuele Fantini
Leader of Work Package 8: Dissemination
Emanuele Fantini is Senior lecturer and researcher at IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, Department of Water Governance (Delft, The Netherlands). He holds a PhD in Political Sciences (University of Turin) and a European Master in Human Rights and Democratization (University of Padua). Emanuele’s research interests include: water governance, water conflicts and the human right to water, social movements, religion in public spaces (politics and development), media studies, visual research methods, with geographic focus on Ethiopia, the Nile basin and Italy.
Committed to public engagement and crossover projects with artists and journalists, he coordinates the project “Open Water Diplomacy. Media, science and transboundary cooperation in the Nile basin”, he hosts the podcasts “The Sources of the Nile”, “Water Alternatives Podcast” and “Si dice
acqua”, and he is the editor of IHE Delft Water Governance Blog, FLOWs. Emanuele contributes to NEWAVE training, communication, and dissemination activities.
Beside academic work, Emanuele has more than 10 years of professional experience in international development cooperation, holding both long term and consultancy positions for bilateral agencies (Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs), multilateral institutions (UN Habitat), local authorities and NGOs in Africa (Ethiopia, South-Sudan, Kenya-Somalia and Morocco), the Balkans (Serbia) and Myanmar.

Paulina Raniecka
is a PhD candidate at the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam working on water governance. In her research, she untangles the meaning of the global water crisis, analyzing the concept from a multi-actor and multi-scalar perspective. She obtained her MSc in Environment and Resource Management, with a specialization in Global Water Challenges, focusing on issues of water conflicts and justice. With extensive research experience, both academic and professional, Paulina hopes to unravel the water-related complexities of the 21st century through an interdisciplinary approach. She joined NEWAVE nearly three years ago as a consultant, leading research and communications activities.