
*Please note that due to the outbreak of Covid-19, the original planning of the training programme had to be adapted. Onsite activities planned for 2020 and 2021 were moved online and modified to fit a virtual format. You can find more information on each of the planned activities using the 'Training' tab above.

The training programme is structured in three pillars:

  • network-wide training,
  • training through research, and
  • training through engagement.

Network-wide trading involves foundational summer and spring schools. Originally, these were meant to be organised across three ‘hubs’: Amsterdam (organised collectively by Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Universiteit van Amsterdam, and IHE Delft) for Seasonal School I, Kenya (University of Nairobi, University of Oxford, and UNICEF) for Seasonal School II, and (Fundacion Nueva Cultura del Agua and Univesidad Autonoma de Barcelona) for Seasonal School III. However, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the following changes were applied:

  • NEWAVE 2021 Spring School: Online 6-weeks Methods Training (organised collectively by Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Universiteit van Amsterdam, and IHE Delft)
  • NEWAVE 2021 Summer School: Online week-long Summer Summit (organised by University of Nairobi, University of Oxford, and UNICEF) and
  • NEWAVE 2022 Spain Summer School: A week-long 'Transferrable, actionable, and dissemination' (TAD) skills training in Barcelona, Spain (organised by Fundacion Nueva Cultura del Agua and Univesidad Autonoma de Barcelona)

The Amsterdam hub will provide the basis foundational knowledge and methods used by ESRs. University of Oxford, University of Nairobi and partner organisations in Kenya will host a School that addresses field methods. Finally, FNCA Spain will lead a network-wide training in engagement.

The “Seasonal Schools” will create the common scientific ground for the ESRs and they will also represent a fundamental occasion to build the human and relational network.

The ESRs will be also involved in four different Virtual Labs (VLs) and two synthesis workshops.

Training through research will be guided by individual training plans developed for each ESR and delivered through virtual labs and meetings, offering webinars and training seminars in relevant analytical techniques and synthesis activities. The ESRs will go through a variety of research experiences, both individual on their own PhD project as well as, through the many collaborative initiatives such as the Virtual Labs related working groups and the integration and synthesis activities. The ESRs will also receive local training to strengthen and support specific methodological needs and skills development both at their host universities and at their non-university secondments.

Training through engagement will involve a staged process of professional skill development and partner engagement starting from the design of each study and continuing throughout the development of the project and dissemination of findings.