NEWAVE TAD Summer School 2022
'Transferrable, actionable, and dissemination (TAD) skills training' | 5-9 September 2022

The NEWAVE 2022 Summer School will focus on transferrable, actionable, and dissemination (TAD) skills, and on advancing the common research agenda moved forward by the NEWAVE 3Ps working groups. The Summer School is a network-wide training in engagement (TAD skills), led by Fundación Nueva Cultura de Agua (FNCA Spain).
Enhance the extra-scientific skills that will complement the transdisciplinary tool box of the ESRs, create a common scientific ground for the ESRs both within the context of the 3Ps heuristic framework as well as the greater critical water governance paradigm, and offer the fundamental opportunity to build the human and relational network.
- Build a sense of (in-person) community and working relationships among NEWAVE Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs), supervisory groups, and Network Management Committee (NMC);
- Revise the ESR-led NEWAVE Ethos document, with the participation of the NMC and supervisors;
- Creat an inter-group understanding of
- Enhance actionability as well as creative communication methods;
- Strengthen skills such as grant and proposal writing, as well as conflict mediation in the context of water governance.
Preliminary agenda
Day 1:
Actionability and network development: workshop on the actionable activities and the potential for expanding further in action, size and time the NEWAVE network (FNCA, ARCADIS, STICHTING VU)
Network reflection: presentation of the ESR-led NEWAVE Ethos document with collective reflection on desired impacts and how to achieve them (ESRs)
Communication lab: training on creative scientific communication (IHE Delft)
Day 2:
Theoretical training: Transforming water governance conflicts (OSU)
Proposal writing: workshop on strategies and techniques for proposal development and submission (ARCADIS, UvA)
Day 3:
3Ps working group exchange: a series of presentations from each of the 3Ps working groups followed by a collective discussion (LEUPHANA)
ESR Research Marketplace: ESR presentations on their doctoral research followed by a feedback session
Day 4:
ESR Research Marketplace: ESR presentations on their doctoral research followed by a feedback session
Critical reflection on water governance: key questions, insights and lessons learned
Dissemination and implementation: workshop on science-policy interface, publication strategies, and writing for implementation in practice (FNCA, ARCADIS)
Day 5:
Synergy, collaboration and leadership: workshop on approaches and tools for synergetic collaborations (STICHTING VU, FNCA, GWP, ARCADIS)
Career mentorship walk: a moment for critical reflection and exchange between the ESRs and their supervisors