
Publications by NEWAVE members

Doctoral publications by NEWAVE Early Stage Researchers:

Wagner, J., Merner, S., Innocenti, S., Geling, A., Hope, R. (2025) Can solar water kiosks generate sustainable revenue streams for rural water services?, World Development, Volume 185,106787, ISSN 0305-750X, [link].

Porada, H., Boelens, R., & Vos, J. (2024). Gas extraction governmentality: The depoliticization of Groningen's extractive territorialization. Political Geography, 108, 103001. [link]

Dhar, P. (2023). Water security, conflict and cooperation in peri-urban South Asia: Flows across boundaries. Springer 2022, edited by Vishal Narain and Dik Roth, Water Alternatives. [link]

Singh, R., Dell'Angelo, J., Oguge, N., & Odote, C. (2023). The role of livelihoods in agrifood sustainability transitions. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 50. [link]

Belland, M., Kooy, M., & Zwarteveen, M. (2023). Destabilizing the science of soils: Geoscientists as spokespersons for land subsidence in Semarang, Indonesia. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 0(0). [link]

Bilalova, S., Newig, J., Tremblay-Lévesque, L.-C., Roux, J., Herron, C., & Crane, S. (2023). Pathways to water sustainability? A global study assessing the benefits of integrated water resources management. Journal of Environmental Management, 343(October), 118179. [link]

Geagea, D., Kaika, M. & Dell'Angelo, J. (2023). Recommoning water: Crossing thresholds under citizen-driven remunicipalisation. Urban Studies, 0(0), 1. 10.1177/00420980231169612 [link]

Motta, S., Wolf, A. T., & Schipper, E. L. F. (2023). Immaterial Infrastructures and Conflict in the Salween River Basin. Water Alternatives, 16(3), pp. 793-820. [link]

Valin, N. & Huitema, D. (2023). Experts as policy entrepreneurs: How knowledge can lead to radical environmental change. Environmental Science & Policy, 142, pp. 21.28 [link]

Wolde, S. G., D’Odorico, P., & Rulli, M. C. (2023). Environmental drivers of human migration in Sub-Saharan Africa. Global Sustainability, 6. [link]

Zuluaga-Guerra, P.A., Martinez-Fernandez, J., Esteve-Selma, M.A. & Dell'Angelo, J. (2023). A  socio-ecological model of the Segura River basin, Spain. Ecological Modelling, 478 [link]

Publications by other NEWAVE members:

Dell'Angelo, Rulli & D'Odorico (2023). Will war in Ukraine escalate the global land rush? Science 379(6634), pp. 752-755 [link]

Hoogesteger, J., Bolding, A., Sanchis-Ibor, C., Veldwisch, G.J., Venot, J.P., Vos, J., & Boelens, R. (2023). Communality in farmer managed irrigation systems: Insights from Spain, Ecuador, Cambodia and Mozambique. Agricultural Systems, 204, 103552, [link]

Batubara, B., Kooy, M., Leynseele, Y.V., Zwarteveen, M. & Ujianto, A., (2022). Urbanization in (post-) New Order Indonesia: connecting unevenness in the city with that in the countryside. The Journal of Peasant Studies, pp.1-20. [link]

Boelens, R. (2022). Rivers of Scarcity. Utopian Water Regimes and Flows Against the Current. Alternautas, 9(1), pp. 14-53. [link]

Boelens, R., Escobar, A., Bakker, K., Hommes, L., Swyngedouw, E., Hogenboom, B. … Wantzen, K.M. (2022). Riverhood: political ecologies of socionature commoning and translocal struggles for water justice. The Journal of Peasant Studies. DOI:10.1080/03066150.2022.2120810 [link]

Challies, E. & Newig, J., (2022). Water, rivers and wetlands: Governance paradigms and principles. In Routledge Handbook of Global Environmental Politics (pp. 512-525). Routledge. [link]

Chiarelli, D. D., D’Odorico, P., Müller, M. F., Mueller, N. D., Davis, K. F., Dell’Angelo, J., Penny, G., & Rulli, M. C. (2022). Competition for Water Induced by Transnational Land Acquisitions for Agriculture. Nature Communications, 13(1), pp. 1-9 [link]

Dell'Angelo, J., Navas, G., Witteman, M., D'Alisa, G., Scheidel, A., & Temper, L. (2022). Commons Grabbing and Agribusiness: Violence, Resistance and Social Mobilization. Ecological Economics, 184, pp. 107004 [link]

Galli, N., Dell’Angelo, J., Epifani, I., Chiarelli, D.D. & Rulli, M.C. (2022). Socio-Hydrological Features of Armed Conflicts in the Lake Chad Basin. Nature Sustainability, 5(10), pp. 843–852. [link]

Gerlak, A.K., Louder, E. & Ingram, H., (2022). An Intersectional Approach to Water Equity in the US. Water Alternatives, 15(1), pp.1-12. [link]

Guaita García, N., Martínez-Fernández, J., Barrera Causil, C. J., & Fitz, H., C. (2022). Stakeholder Analysis and Prioritization of Management Measures for a Sustainable Development in the Social-Ecological System of the Mar Menor (SE, Spain). Environmental Development, 42, 100701. [link]

Hommes, L., Hoogesteger, J., & Boelens, R. (2022). (Re)making hydrosocial territories: Materializing and contesting imaginaries and subjectivities through hydraulic infrastructure. Political Geography, 97, 102698. [link]

Jager, N.W., King, J.P. & Siebenhüner, B. (2022). New Challenges and Established Policy Fields – Assessing Stability and Change in Climate Adaptation Policy Through a Lock-in Perspective. dms – der moderne staat – Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management, 15(2-2022), pp. 1-19. [link]

Mills-Novoa, M., Boelens, R., Hoogesteger, J., & Vos, J. (2022). Resisting, leveraging, and reworking climate change adaptation projects from below: placing adaptation in Ecuador’s agrarian struggle. The Journal of Peasant Studies, DOI: 10.1080/03066150.2022.2144252 [link]

Reyes Escate, L., Hoogesteger, J., & Boelens, R. (2022). Water Assemblages in Hydrosocial Territories: Connecting Place, Space, and Time Through the Cultural-Material Signification of Water in Coastal Peru. Geoforum, 135, pp. 61-70. [link]

Thiri, M.A., Villamayor-Tomás, S., Scheidel, A. & Demaria, F., (2022). How social movements contribute to staying within the global carbon budget: Evidence from a qualitative meta-analysis of case studies. Ecological Economics, 195, p.107356. [link]

van den Berge, J., Vos, J. & Boelens, R., (2022). Water justice and Europe’s Right2Water movement. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 38(1), pp.173-191. [link]

Venot, J.P., J. Vos, F. Molle, M. Zwarteveen, G.J. Veldwisch, M. Kuper, A.M. Mdee, M. Ertsen, R. Boelens, F. Cleaver, B. Lankford, P. Mollinga, L. Swatuk, J. Linton, L. Harris, J. Kemerink-Seyoum, M. Kooy, K. Schwartz (2022).  A bridge over troubled waters. Nature Sustainability, 5(2), pp. 92. [link]

Villamayor-Tomas, S., García-López, G. & D'Alisa, G., (2022). Social Movements and Commons: In Theory and in Practice. Ecological Economics, 194, p.107328. [link]

Xu, Q., Veldwisch, G.J., and R. Boelens (2022). Rural Drinking Water Governance Politics in China: Governmentality Schemes and Negotiations from the Grassroots. Political Geography, 97, 102703. [link]

Boelens, R., Forigua-Sandoval, J., Duarte-Abadía, B. & Gutiérrez-Camargo, J.C., (2021). River lives, River movements. Fisher communities mobilizing local and official rules in defense of the Magdalena River. The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, 53(3), pp.458-476. [link]

Duarte-Abadía, B., Boelens, R. & Buitrago, E., (2021). Neoliberal commensuration and new enclosures of the commons: mining and market–environmentalism governmentalities. Territory, Politics, Governance, pp.1-21. [link]

Gerlak, A.K., Karambelkar, S. & Ferguson, D.B., (2021). Knowledge governance and learning: Examining challenges and opportunities in the Colorado River basin. Environmental Science & Policy, 125, pp.219-230. [link]

Manosalvas, R., Hoogesteger, J. & Boelens, R., 2021. Contractual reciprocity and the re-making of community hydrosocial territories: The case of La Chimba in the Ecuadorian páramos. Water, 13(11), p.1600. [link]

Martínez-Fernández, J., Baños-González, I., & Esteve-Selma, M. A. (2021). An Integral Approach to Address Socio-Ecological Systems Sustainability and Their Uncertainties. Science of the Total Environment, 762, 144457. [link]

Martínez-Fernández, J., Esteve-Selma, M. A., & Zuluaga Guerra, P. A. (2021). Agua y Sostenibilidad. Hacia una Transición Hídrica en el Sureste Ibérico. Ecosistemas, 30(3), 2254. [link]

Martínez-Fernández, J., Hernández-Mora, N., Del Moral, L., & La Roca, F. (2021). Balanç de tres dècades d'evolució de les polítiques de l'aigua a Espanya [pp. 93-115]. En: Bienes Comunes y Políticas Neoliberales. L'Observatori DESC i L'Observatori del Deute en la Globalització: Barcelona. [link]

Prieto López, A., Duarte-Abadía, B. & Boelens, R., (2021). Territory in conflict: Land dispossession, water grabbing and mobilization for environmental justice in southern Spain. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 37(6), pp.996-1020. [link]

Shah, E. & Boelens, R., (2021). The moralization of hydraulics: Reflections on the normative-political dimensions of water control technology. Geoforum, 121, pp.93-104. [link]

Shah, E., Vos, J., Veldwisch, G.J., Boelens, R. & Duarte-Abadía, B., (2021). Environmental justice movements in globalising networks: A critical discussion on social resistance against large dams. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 48(5), pp.1008-1032. [link]

van den Berge, J., Vos, J., Boelens, R., Kishimoto, S. & Jonker, P., (2021). Interview article: water movements’ defense of the right to water. From the European arena to the Dutch exception. The Journal of Legal Pluralism and  Unofficial law, 53(3), pp.438-457. [link]

Villamayor-Tomas, S. & García-López, G.A., (2021). Commons Movements: Old and New Trends in Rural and Urban Contexts. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 46, pp.511-543. [link]

Zuniga-Teran, A.A., Gerlak, A.K., Elder, A.D. & Tam, A., 2021. The unjust distribution of urban green infrastructure is just the tip of the iceberg: A systematic review of place-based studies. Environmental Science & Policy, 126, pp.234-245. [link]